31 August, 2006

Join the Library Online!

Join the Library from HOME or anywhere in the World!

Please use this Form to become a NEW library member.
Once you have received your library card, you will be able to place a hold on library items and have access to a wealth of Online Databases only available to library members.

Databases include:

A&NZ Reference Centre (Access to full text newspaper articles and magazines including Wheels, Womens Weekly, The Australian, The Age, Herald Sun, Australian Gourmet Traveller, Australian PC User).

Health and Wellness Resource Centre (Reliable medical information).

Grove Music Online.

Encyclopedia Britannica (Offering 3 levels of a user friendly interface)

Safari E-Books (latest IT related Books).

Global Books in Print.

XRefer Plus (A full Online Reference Library)

The Users Services link allows you to Renew your items online, change your email address and review Your Library card.

Everyone Welcome!

28 August, 2006

Fly Fishing at your Library

Mill Park Library
will host a presentation by the Northern Suburbs Fly Fishing Club on Saturday 2nd September, 11am - 12 noon.

Diamond Valley Library, Sunday, 10th September, 2-3pm.

Eltham Library, Saturday, 14th September, 2-3pm.

Learn from experienced fishermen.
Rods available on the day for you to try on day.
All Welcome!

25 August, 2006

National simultaneous storytime - 1st September 2006

What is it
The Australian Library and Information Association organises National Simultaneous Storytime in September every year
The aim is to promote the value of reading and literacy,promote an Australian writer and publisher, and
promote storytime activities in public libraries around the country.

This year the story book to be read is "Goodnight, me" by Andrew dado and Emma Quay

Story reading times @ Yarra Plenty Libraries

Diamond Valley Library
10am (as part of Tiny tots storytime session)

Eltham Library
11am ( as part of Preschool Storytime)

Ivanhoe Library
Session held externally and booked out

Rosanna Library
11am Come dressed in your pyjamas for a special Preschool Storytime.
Cr Peter Kenna will read the story.

Watsonia Library
Bookings essential

Mill Park Library
10:30am Storytime
Mayor Cr John Fry will read "Good night me"

Lalor Library
10am (as part of Storytime session)

Thomastown Library
Session held externally and booked out

11am - Olympic Village, Moresby Court, West Heidelberg

17 August, 2006


Come along to Thomastown Library on Monday 21st August, 7-8pm.
Discover the World of Blogs, learn how to set up your own blog!
All you need is: Your own email address
Some basic computer skills.
A Desire to create your own space online!!
Bookings essential, Phone Thomastown Library on: 9464 1864

09 August, 2006

AUGUST Activities at Yarra Plenty!

Childrens Book Week : the Journey begins 19-25th August.
Check out a host of activities.

See What's On at all our Branch Libraries.

Meet the Authors:
Craig Sherbourne author of Hoi Polloi, Ivanhoe Library, 6.30-8pm. Tuesday, August 15th.
Geoff Kelly, author and illustrator at Eltham Library, 4-5pm, Wednesday, August 16th.
Monica McInerney author of Odd one out, Eltham Library, 7-8.30pm, Thursday, August 24th. (wear something pink and enjoy a pink champagne, music and door prizes)
Anna Glynn author of Strange memories, Eltham Library, 2-3.30pm, Saturday, August 26th.
Starting your Family History, Mill Park Library, 10.30-11.30am, Wednesday 23rd August.
Local Family History talk with John Waghorn, 10-12 noon, Mill Park Library, 30th August.
Family History Fest : connecting people past and present : session 2
Search micofiche records Online, Diamond Valley Library, 2-3pm, Wednesday, 30th August.

Check out the world of Blogs! Thomastown Library, 7-8pm, Monday 21st August.

For a Full List of Activities check out the Events Calendar.

08 August, 2006

Winter in Banyule!!

Lots of Cultural activities and Events, things to do in your Libraries celebrating Winter in Banyule.
Download the Full Program from Banyule City Council's Website.
Winter Kids Artyfarty: Woops around Banyule Big Book. Through story telling and art activities, children will hear about the fun loving character 'Woops'. Help create and contribute toward the giant book which will tour around Banyule. Watsonia Library, Thursday 10th August, 4-5pm. Ivanhoe Library, Friday 11th August, 4-5pm. Rosanna Library Sat. 19th August, 11-12 noon.
Friday 11th August, 11-12 noon enjoy a mosaic demonstration at Watsonia Library with Julie from Greenhills Living and Learning Centre. Bookings: 9435 2397

Whats New!!

Click on our What's New! link to see the latest additions to our Catalogue.
News and tributes (Futureheads)
Casino twilight dogs (Youth Group)
Real Life (Evermore)
Over the Hedge (Music from the Motion Picture)
The Mystery (Tommy Emmanuel)
Pick a weapon (Coup)
Stadium Arcadium (Red Hot Chilli Peppers)
Poseidon (Music from the Motion Picture)
Taking the Long Way (Dixie Chicks)
The Doors concerto (Nigel Kennedy)
Peking to Paris
Care Bears
Lost in Space
Midsomer Murders
The OC (first season)

03 August, 2006

Census 2006

Tuesday 8th August is Census Night!
Did you know you can fill out your census form ONLINE?
Why not take part in the Census Time Capsule, it's your chance to be remembered in 99 years!
The Australian Bureau of Statistics Website is a great resource for economic indicators, Consumer Price Index, Online Australian Year Books and much more!
Themes cover selected information on a range of topics: Economy, Environment & Energy, Industry, People and Regional statistics.
Social Trends
on Population Statistics, employment arrangements, life expectancy, housing and lifestyle and more!
Links to International Agencies from every country in the World.

02 August, 2006

Child Safety Online

NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational safety resource to teach kids and teens how to stay safer on the Internet. NetSmartz combines the newest technologies available and the most current information to create high-impact educational activities that are well received by even the most tech-savvy kids.
There is an excellent article on Social networking sites (MySpace, Blogs) with safety tips for parents.

Cybersmart Kids Online is a fun interactive site teaching Internet safety with Games and Cool sites.

The Australian Government site Net Alert
offers practical advice on Internet safety, parental control and filters for the protection of children, students and families.

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